Privacy Policy

During our working time together I need to assure you that any personal information I collect will be stored safely and securely, and used only for the purposes that you shared it with me. I am governed by all current Data Protection Legislation including GDPR (EU/2016/679), the 2018 Data Protection Act, and the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations 2003. The GDPR requires that I have a lawful basis for processing your data. 

I am registered with the I.C.O (Information Commisioners Office).

When you make initial contact with me, I will only take the information that is neccesary for completing your enquiry, and if you decide not to proceed this information will be deleted accordingly. 

You may have concerns regarding what I do with your information, how I store it, who else might access it, and your rights per data protection. If you need to chat it through in more detail, I can be contacted via my email or mobile number which can be accessed in the contact tab.

Anything we disscuss, is confidential and would only have to be breached in situations of harm to yourself or others, or if the information was required in either a Legal or Safeguarding capacity.

None of your personal information will be shared with a third party and any notes either written or electronic will be stored securely. 

If you have any complaints with how I store your personal data please contact me in writing or via email, and I will endeavour to answer, help, ammend, or improve my procedures.

You can read more information about your rights at

I hope that this information is both informative and reasuring for you.

© Copyright. All rights reserved.

Acknowledgement: Liam Bonner 

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We use a third-party service to translate the website content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details in the privacy policy and accept the service to view the translations.